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Liberty Mutual wanted to differentiate themselves from the new insurance commercial norm of using comedy to sell what is, ultimately, tragedy. So we went right at the heart of the matter instead. The strategy we came up with was simple: when your stuff breaks, we replace it. It's insurance 101. But it worked.
Liberty Mutual Insurance

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Liberty Mutual Teen Driving
As a very conscientious auto insurance company, it was only natural for Liberty Mutual to be genuinely concerned about the new (at the time) plague of teen texting and driving. We created this campaign to hit hard with parents who were blissfully unaware of their teens death wish habit.
Liberty Mutual Teen Driving

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Street Corner
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Headline (for all four): Don't let your kid's next text be their last.

Mall installation
Liberty Mutual Commercial Markets
Liberty Mutual Commercial Markets was, as you might expect, a B2B account. And normally, a very conservative and reserved category/client. They were well known in the right circles, but because of their legendary reputation they were also seen as "old." We positioned them as "old enough to be forward thinking because we've already seen it all" (well before Farmers, mind you) and created commercial insurance ads from the future. (click on images below to magnify)

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